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Sequential can link multiple backends together. In other words, Sequential[DecodeTensor,ResizeTensor,cvtColorTensor,SyncTensor] and Sequential[DecodeMat,ResizeMat] are valid backends.

During the forward execution of Sequential[DecodeMat,ResizeMat], the data (dict) will go through the following process in sequence:

  • Execute DecodeMat: DecodeMat reads data and assigns the result to result and color.
  • Conditional control flow: attempts to assign the value of result in the data to data and deletes result.
  • Execute ResizeMat: ResizeMat reads data and assigns the result to the result key.

Sequential can be abbreviated as S. API reference can be found in Sequential.

Conditional Control Flow Filter

Sequential itself implements support for control flow syntax extensions. In fact, S[DecodeMat,ResizeMat] is equivalent to S[(Run)DecodeMat,(swap)ResizeMat].

The filters in () parentheses can return the following states:

  • Run, which means that the current sub-backend can be skipped and wait to enter the next sub-backend (Effective from v0.3.2b1; Continue can be used in previous versions.)
  • Break, which means to exit the execution of Sequential
  • Error, which means an error occurred
  • SerialSkip, which means that consecutive serial sub-backends can be skipped, equivalent to Break in Sequential
  • SubGraphSkip, which means that consecutive subgraphs can be skipped, equivalent to Break in Sequential

Here are some built-in filter definitions:

#include "filter.hpp"

class FilterRun : public Filter {
status forward(dict data) override { return Filter::status::Run; }
IPIPE_REGISTER(Filter, FilterRun, "Run,run");
For more information on filters, please refer to [the detailed filter documentation](../Inter-node/filter). Based on this, as will be discussed in the next section on [extending and compiling custom backends](./extensible_backend), users can easily define their own conditional control flow. ## Response of Conditional Control Flow to Input Range Changes Suppose there is a backend `S[DecodeTensor,(swap)TensorrtTensor,TensorrtSync]`, where the input range of `DecodeTensor` is [1,1], and the range of `TensorrtTensor` is [1,4]. According to the [Sequential rule for calculating input range](../backend-reference/basic#sequential), the input range of Sequential is [1,4].

If four data enter this Sequential at the same time, but one of them fails to decode, then

  • One data returns status::Break in swap, while the others return status::Run.
  • Sequential continues to send the remaining three data to the next stage, while the data in Break state terminates the execution in Sequential.

The above describes the response when encountering Break for some data; similarly, when encountering Skip for some data, the data will be locally processed in a similar way. However, when a data is in Error state, Sequential will consider the overall task status as Error. If this contradicts the user's intention, the user can try to split the sub-backends into different Sequentials to avoid mutual interference. Note that the Error state is generally extremely rare and unexpected.