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Single Node Scheduling

The input data is distributed to the computing back-end for execution via the default single node scheduling system BaselineSchedule. During this process, it mainly undergoes batch gathering and multi-instance scheduling.

Batch Gathering/Multi-Instance

For model inference engines such as TensorrtTensor, the input range is generally [1, max_batch_size], and the scheduling system can package the input data for delivery. The single node scheduling back-end BaselineSchedule implements the following scheduling features:

  • Start multiple computing back-end instances based on the instance_num parameter.
  • Read max_batch_size=max() from the computing back-end. If it is greater than 1, start the batch gathering function.
  • Get data from the input queue. If max_batch_size data is obtained within batching_timeout, it will be sent to the batch queue. If enough data is not obtained within the time limit, the existing data will be sent to the batch queue.
  • Distribute tasks from the batch queue to idle computing instances.

The above is the general process of the main branch, and there may be differences in the details. For example, BaselineSchedule also implements basic adaptive traffic functions, determines the batch status function based on the status of the multi-instance computing engine, and has composite scheduling functions.

Single Node Composite Scheduling

For some computing back-ends, the minimum input range is greater than 1, making it impossible to schedule as a normal back-end (which may result in some data never being processed). BaselineSchedule provides the ability to combine back-ends using the & symbol.

For example, for the TensorrtTensor back-end, some models are not easy to convert to dynamic models. In this case, a batchsize=1 model and several batchsize=N models can be used to simulate dynamic batching.

backend="SyncTensor[TensorrtTensor]" # or 'SyncTensor[TensorrtTensor]&SyncTensor[TensorrtTensor]'
instance_num = 2 # auto extend to '2&2&2'

Under this scenario, there are a total of 6 instances, with the first two instances having an input range of [1, 1], the middle two having an input range of [4, 4], and the last two having an input range of [8, 8].

For BaselineSchedule, these six instances form two virtual instances, with each virtual instance occupying three instances. The input range of the virtual instance is [1, 8].



batching_timeoutTimeout for batchingDoes not accept & syntax; ineffective when batching is not needed
instance_numNumber of instancesinstance_num multiplied by the backend's max() is generally set to slightly less than the maximum amount of data to be processed simultaneously
backendActual computation backendProvides data input range through min()/max() functions

When initializing a backend instance,

bool init(const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& config, dict dict_config);

BaselineSchedule generates an initialization parameter dict_config for the backend instances it manages to share data. Additionally, the config parameter includes an extra _independent_thread_index value, which ranges from [0, instance_num - 1].

Forward Calculation


The scheduling backend is implemented as thread-safe.


The value range is [1, UINT32_MAX].

Extension of Single-Node Scheduling System

Since the scheduling system BaselineSchedule is itself a backend, users can implement different backends to replace it.


BaselineSchedule is actually a composite of the following backends:

Users can refer to the implementation of BaselineSchedule to re-implement its details. For a single-node system, the default backend chain is as follows:

To change the scheduling system, simply set the new Interpreter::backend parameter in the global configuration.

For the multi-node system, the default backend chain called is:

To globally or locally change the scheduling system, set the new PipelineV3::backend parameter under the global or specific node.